I’ve been blogging for just over a year now, and as I reflected on LiveLifeWell’s first year, I realized that there’s still a lot that my readers my not know about me. I consider myself an open book and those of you who have contacted me via email with questions or left comments know that I’m very transparent. I love building relationships with readers and other bloggers and as a lifestyle blogger, I really enjoy giving a glimpse into my life. While I’m always open to questions, I realized that I’ve never done one of those typical “meet the blogger” style questionnaires to introduce myself and allow my readers to get to know me a little bit better. I definitely want to make sure that you all know the girl behind the blog, so here’s a little bit about me:

The Girl Behind the Blog: About Me
Are you named after anyone? So recently I found out that back in the “olden days” Allison with two Ls was actually a man’s name pronounces ALL-i-son. I was named after my father, Charles Allison Mathis, Jr., who was named after his father. I always wondered why their middle name was Allison, so finding out that it used to be a men’s name makes perfect since!
Do you have kids? No. My husband and I aren’t quite ready and I explain why in detail –> here.
Will you ever bungee-jump? Absolutely not. If you had asked me 10 years ago, my answer would have been maybe, but I’m finding that the older I get, the more afraid I become of activities that could be life threatening. I hope this newfound fear goes away or else I’ll be afraid of EVERYTHING by the time I’m 50.
What’s your favorite cereal? I love Frosted Flakes with milk and Pops and Cookie Crisps without.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? As a self-proclaimed fashionista, I honestly notice what people are wearing first. It’s not in a judgmental way, but I do think that a persons personal style says a lot about who they are as a person.
What is your eye color? My eyes are so dark brown that they almost look black!
Scary movie or happy endings? Definitely happy endings. I’m actually no longer allowed to watch scare movies anymore as per instructions from my husband. I get REALLY scared and keep us both up at night.
What is your favorite drink? I love Veuve Clicquot champagne, mojitos, and sweet tea.
Summer or winter? Summer all the way! I actually have an upcoming post about why I love summer so much.
Computer or television? I feel like it’s kind of sacrilegious in some ways to be a blogger but prefer the TV over the computer, but I totally do! I love watching TV series and I would pick the TV over a computer any day. Some of my favorite TV shows are Grey’s Anatomy, How to Get Away with Murder, Pretty Little Liars, Power, Game of Thrones, Black-Ish, and Jane the Virgin. I also enjoy a number of reality TV shows for some good laughs and actually appeared on one back in 2006.
What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? I lived in Japan for 7 months and that was pretty far. Asia is definitely the furthest I’ve ever been.
Where were you born? I was born in Augusta, Georgia (which is kind of weird and random because my family never lived there).
What are your hobbies? I love to shop and travel. I also love watching TV series and enjoy working out when I’m in the mood. I really like trying new restaurants as well.
Do you have any pets? I have a puggle (pug/beagle) named Nas.
Do you have any siblings? Yes. I have an older sister and an older brother. I’m the baby by a long shot so I got to experience being the youngest of 3 and being the only child in some ways.
What’s your sign? I’m a Virgo….through and through.
What’s your favorite food? I LOVE seafood. I also love basically any Asian food. I’ve been eating sushi since I was 2 and I’m obsessed with sashimi tuna and tuna tartare.
What’s your favorite city? FILA (Forever I Love Atlanta – LOL). I also LOVE London.
Where did you go to school? I went to a pretty small K-12 school called the Paideia School form the time I entered kindergarten until I graduated high school in 2008. I went to the University of Miami for undergraduate and I’m currently a graduate student at Liberty University (most of my classes are online).
What was your college major? I double majored in psychology and public relations and minored in marketing.
Who is your best friend? My besties are my husband and my mom. I have a lot of other incredible friends but there are honestly too many to name and I can’t pick just one.
Do you have any tattoos? I actually have 9 and people are usually shocked because most of them aren’t obviously visible. I also have microdermal piercings in my lower back and I have my nose pierced as well.
How many countries have you been to? 23
Why did you decide to name your blog LiveLifeWell? When I was younger, I always said my goals in life were to be “well dressed, well educated, and well traveled.” I came up with the name LiveLifeWell to merge all of those things.
What is your favorite blog post that you’ve written? I really love my first ever post about being the wife of a professional athlete because it was SO vulnerable. I also love the post I wrote a few months ago in honor of Mother’s Day including the lessons my mom taught me about marriage.

What’s a random fact about you? I would love to get to know you a little better!