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Liebster Award!


First of all, I want to thank Samantha for nominating me for this awesome award! Samantha’s blog, Grace, Love, Coffee, is an awesome lifestyle blog on which she shares fashion tips, book reviews, items that she recommends, and posts about faith. The Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers by bloggers. It’s almost like a chain letter in the blogging community. For the “Newbie” award, new bloggers nominate other new bloggers as a way to acknowledge their hard work and dedication and encourage them to continue their respective blogging journeys. Even though it may not seem like a huge deal, it’s an honor to be nominated because I appreciate anytime anyone recognizes the time and commitment that I put into LiveLifeWell.

Basically, the premise is that award winners shoutout the person who nominated them, post the award on their blog either in a post or elsewhere, answer the questions posed by the person that nominated them, nominate their own set of new bloggers, and create a set of questions that they will answer on their blogs if they accept the award.

So…here goes nothing! My questions from Samantha:

  1. What fueled your desire for a blog?

  2. In today’s society, basketball wives get a really bad wrap! I was initially motivated to blog out of a desire to set the record straight and show the world how basketball wives really live and what it’s really like! LiveLifeWell evolved into something much bigger than that! I have a desire to inspire women of all walks of life to be well dressed, well educated, and well traveled and LiveLifeWell is my way of providing inspiration while sharing my unique experiences.

  3. What kind of niche do you have and why?

  4. I consider myself a lifestyle blogger. Although I do share a lot about fashion and travel, that’s only because those happen to be two things that are really important my life. I didn’t want to limit myself as a fashion blogger or a travel blogger because my life and my experiences include so much more than that.

  5. Least favorite household chore?

  6. LAUNDRY!!!!!! Not so much the washing part, but the folding part. I wish clothes would fold themselves and put themselves away!

  7. Coffee or tea?

  8. Tea…hands down!

  9. When do you work best?

  10. I’m most productive midday. Between 11am and 3pm is when I work best.

  11. Favorite time of the year?

  12. Summer! My husband is free for the off-season, we celebrate both of our birthdays, as well as our wedding anniversary…what’s not to love.

  13. Where do you find your inspiration?

  14. Everywhere! All of my posts are really personal and I’m super inspired by being able to use my experiences to inspire others.

  15. Married, dating, or single?

  16. Married to the love of my live. We actually just celebrated our first wedding anniversary 🙂

  17. Favorite TV show right now?

  18. Summer TV is kind of dead, honestly! Before it ended, my favorite show was Power and now it would have to be Ray Donovan. I’m looking forward to the return of all my fall shows (Grey’s, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, Empire, The Affair….I also watch Pretty Little Liars, Orange is the New Black, Game of Thrones, Bloodline, trashy reality shows…you name it, I probably watch it!)

  19. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

  20. Right now, at this moment, I would have to say race relations in this country. There are a ton of things about the world that need to change (poverty, hunger, etc.), but the state of race relations in America is something that really bothers me. I grew up in a very diverse environment and I can honestly say that growing up, I never felt discriminated against because of the color of my skin. For all intents and purposes, I thought the age of racism was over, so to see what has been happening in Ferguson and other parts of the country has been extremely eye opening for me. I never thought I would “dodge” racism as a child but feel discriminated against as an adult. Something has to change.

And my nominees  for the Leibster Award are……….

Be sure to check out their awesome blogs! They are so deserving of this award.

Here are my questions for my nominees:

  1. What inspired you to start your blog?

  2. In the time that you have been blogging, what is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?

  3. What’s your strategy for juggling blogging with your other responsibilities?

  4. If you could travel to anywhere in the world and only take one person with you, where would you go, who would you take, and why?

  5. Apple or Android?

  6. What’s the one thing you wish you could go back and tell your teenage self?

  7. What’s your zodiac sign?

  8. What’s your favorite movie?

  9. what is the one quote or saying that you live by?

  10. If you had to pick, what would be the one take away you would want readers to take form your blog?

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