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CheMinistry Takeaways

How do you deal with Mr. Wrong while you’re waiting for Mr. Right? Why is it that when guys are caught in a lie, they still deny their actions? Is it coming off to strong to tell someone in the beginning of your dating relationship that marriage is your end goal? These are just a few of the questions that were posed at CheMinistry, a relationship panel and social hour that was held in Atlanta last week. CheMinistry was created to bridge the gap between purpose driven men and women who desire to progressively take their relationships to the next level. The event serves as a judgement free space where these individuals can have open, honest conversations in a loving environment. The panel is held quarterly and this quarter’s dialogue was all about discovering your love blueprint.

Chanel Scott, the creator of CheMinistry, on the green carpet

Chanel Scott, the creator of CheMinistry, on the green carpet

CheMinistry panelists leading dialogue

CheMinistry panelists leading dialogue

As a media sponsor, I enjoyed attending the event and hearing what both the panelists and the attendees had to say about relationships and the state of dating today. As one of the few married couples in attendance, my husband and I even chimed in to give our take on a few of the questions posed. Based on the answers to the provocative questions posed by the audience, the panelists, and the hosts, here are the key points that I took away from CheMinistry:

My takeaways from CheMinistry, a quarterly Atlanta relationship panel and social hour.

CheMinistry Takeaways

  1. Consistency, communication, and compromise are key when it comes to healthy relationships.

  2. It’s important to know who you are FIRST. Spend some time getting to know yourself so that when you have the opportunity to connect with someone else, you’re ready. Focus on finding yourself and enjoying your own company while you wait for the right person to come along.

  3. Finding the right person is all about finding someone to uplift you as you pursue your purpose and work towards your goals.

  4. When considering whether or not the person that you are dating is “the one,” ask yourself this: can I do better than this? If the answer is no, you can rest assured that you’re with the right person. Someone’s ability to understand your needs and support you in your dreams is also pivotal in determining whether or not he or she is the one for you.

  5. Dating couples must explicitly discuss their relationship statuses. In this day and age, people define relational terms differently and it’s important to clarify. It’s also important to discuss both short term and long term goals to ensure that you’re a good match.

  6. While the age old saying states that we should treat others how we want to be treated, in relationships, we should treat others how THEY want to be treated. It’s important to love others how they want to be loved and learn their love languages instead of assuming that everyone receives love the way that we do. It’s also important to show and teach others how you want to be treated.

  7. Women want to hear what men have to say! The next CheMinistry panel, which will be in October, will likely be all male so that the ladies can get all their relationship questions answered by guys that are willing to share.

All in all, CheMinistry was a super informative discussion about the new normal when it comes to relationships between men and women. The hosts did an amazing job asking questions that the audience could relate to, regardless of their ages or different walks of life. The panelists were entertaining and all had interesting thing to share. What truly made the event was the attendees. The way that we were all able to get involved, ask questions of one another, and share our knowledge and experiences without judgement went a long way. I’m looking forward to the next dialogue as these are issues that men and women need to be able to discuss openly and honestly with one another in order to find the relationships that they are seeking or thrive in their current relationships. Follow CheMinistry on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay in the know about upcoming events.

CheMinistry panelists and media hosts

CheMinistry panelists and media hosts

What topics would you like to see addressed at the next CheMinistry panel?

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