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A Day in the Life as a Basketball Wife – Part 5

Saturday was a bittersweet day for me. As I hosted my first blog-related event, half of my heart flew across the globe. As many of you know, each season, I usually accompany my husband to whatever country he’s playing in. In the last two years, we’ve lived in both Italy and Japan. I’ve learned so much about myself and my husband and enjoyed our time as newlyweds traveling the world very much. This season is different. This season, I’ll be staying in Atlanta while my husband plays in France. For at least a few months, we’ll be doing the long distance thing for the first time in years. This is a first in my life as a basketball wife.

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My husband and I spent his last day in town running errands. Between packing and getting ready for my event on Saturday, it was hard to focus on how much we were dreading saying goodbye the next day. We were extremely busy and it was nice to have his help with preparing for the More than a Wifey Brunch. I think he appreciated my help with packing his suitcases as well. That evening, we celebrated our wedding anniversary with a romantic dinner at Noble Fin. Although our anniversary isn’t until August 30th, we both wanted to do something special to celebrate our milestone since we won’t be able to celebrate together in person on the day of. Since the day was full of hustle and bustle, I’m glad we took the evening to be present, savor the moment with each other, and enjoy our last night together for a little while.

I’m still in disbelief that I wasn’t on that plane with DJ on Saturday morning. It feels funny to be hearing about his apartment in France, the town he’s living in, and the language barrier as opposed to experiencing them with him. While I’m missing him like crazy and know that my yearning to be by his side will only grow stronger as the weeks go by, I know that our time apart will be worthwhile for both of us. While my husband is focussing on basketball and spending a lot of time in the gym perfecting his craft, I’ll be completing the necessary internship hours to finish my master’s degree in marriage and family counseling, giving a lot of attention to building my blog and brand, and, hopefully, hosting more events. I think time apart can sometimes be good for a couple, and I’m eager to see how our relationship is impacted for the better while we take some time to focus on our individual goals. I miss my husband already and am counting down until the day we are reunited, but I know that this is only one stage in my life as a basketball wife and that this sacrifice will be worth it in the end.

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? If so, what tips do you have for me and my husband?

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