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3 Ways to Make Boring Birthdays More Exciting

This past Friday, I celebrated my champagne birthday (also known as a golden birthday). I turned 26 on the 26th and although 26 didn’t sound very exciting, I was determined to make it fun. After all, you only get one golden birthday and I wanted mine to be one that I wouldn’t soon forget. Not every birthday is as exciting as 16 or 21, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be celebrated. I’m a firm believer that we should celebrate every win, and these include our personal milestones. I successfully turned what I thought would be a boring birthday into one that was quite memorable and you can too! Here are 3 ways to make boring birthdays more exciting:

Not every birthday is quite as much fun as 16 or 21, but there are ways to make the boring birthdays more exciting!

3 Ways to Make Boring Birthdays More Exciting

Make Plans

This may seem like it goes without saying, but you would be surprised! PLAN SOMETHING FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY! It doesn’t have to be a huge party, but planning something will give you something to look forward to and is sure to make the boring birthdays more exciting. Make a dinner reservation or invite a group of friends over for a wine and cheese night. Whatever you do, send out evites or paper invitations (if you’re old school) to make it more official. For my birthday, I planned a girls night out at Ponce City Market. I invited all of my local girlfriends to join me for dinner at The Mercury followed by fun and games at Skyline Park. Planning something weeks in advance gave me something to look forward to and we ended up having a blast.

boring birthdays more exciting

Literally about to pop the champagne for my champagne birthday at Ponce City Market

Get Pampered

Every year I get a massage at my favorite local spa the week of my birthday. They do an amazing 50% discount during your birth month, so I’m sure to take advantage and indulge in a 90 minute massage. This year, I took getting pampered a step further. When COLOUR contacted me and offered me a free service in exchange for a review on my blog, I knew my birthday would be the perfect occasion! COLOUR is a mobile salon that offers quality hair styling in the comforts of your own home (or hotel room, office, or anywhere else you fancy) and on your own schedule. All you have to do is download the COLOUR app, request an invitation code, and either schedule a single appointment or join the COLOUR club for a month of unlimited styling. COLOUR lets you choose from a few different hair styles and sends a certified stylist right to your door. I spent part of my birthday getting my hair styled by Cree from COLOUR and although it didn’t come out quite how I anticipated, I loved the finished product. Check out COLOUR on Instagam to find out more!

Download the COLOUR app, select your style, and schedule your appointment.

Download the COLOUR app, select your style, and schedule your appointment.

COLOR stylist, Cree, helped me get birthday ready in my own kitchen

COLOR stylist, Cree, helped me get birthday ready in my own kitchen

I selected the Boho style. Here is my finished birthday hair!

I selected the Boho style. Here is my finished birthday hair!

Invite Special Guests

Nothing makes the boring birthdays more exciting than having special guests in attendance. I invited my best friend to come down from D.C. to spend my golden birthday with me and having her in town made the entire weekend feel like a celebration. Inviting people who you don’t see as often as you would like is sure to give you something to look forward to and make your special day feel 1000 times more special. There’s nothing like the presence of close friends or family members to remind you how lucky you are to be celebrating yet another milestone in your life. Invite one or a few special guests and turn your birthday into an excuse for a reunion.

How are you planning to make your next birthday exciting?


Welcome to the Thursday Three Link Up. Who doesn’t love sharing lists on their blogs?? Whether it’s 3 reasons you love your husband, 3 things you hate about graduate school, or 3 awesome birthday gift ideas, the Thursday Three Link Up is a place where you can share your posts and interact with other bloggers. Create an amazing post listing three things of your choosing and link up on LiveLifeWell, Royalty in Reality, or the Sparkling Southerner each and every Thursday! This week’s Thursday Three Featured Post is an amazing 3 ingredient recipe! Be sure to check out Sass & Shamrocks’ recipe for 3 Ingredient Bounty Bars.


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