The first day of summer is almost here! Those of you who learned all about me in my “the girl behind the blog” post know that summer is my absolute favorite season. I look forward to summertime for a few different reasons: For one, it’s my husbands’s off season, so he has more free time, which means more date nights and baecations. On top of that, we both celebrate our birthdays between June and September AND our anniversary is Labor Day Weekend. Last but not least, the days are longer and the weather is nicer, so I’m just in a better mood all around. While it already feels like summer in Hotlanta, the official first day of the season is June 20th, which also happens to be my husband’s birthday. We’ll be celebrating on the beach in Anguilla and while I’m more than excited for our trip, there are super fun ways to celebrate the summer solstice at home too!

3 Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Summer
Make homemade popsicles – making some sweet treats is a great way to stay cool and celebrate the first day of summer. There are so many easy recipes and my favorites are the ones that use coconut water and real fruit. I absolutely love these strawberry-watermelon popsicles.
Write out your summer bucket list – what better day to write your summer bucket list than on the first day of summer? Spend the afternoon thinking of things you really want to do or places you really want to go while the weather’s warm and this days are long. Write a bucket list of 10-15 things and, if you’re feeling extra excited about the new season, get started on some of the things on your list.
Have a splash party – I used to love having water fights with my friends as a kid, and while I honestly haven’t had one in years, I’d be willing to bet that they’re still just as much fun! Get a group of friends together for the ultimate splash party. Fill up some water balloons, get a few water guns, and even set up a slip and slide. If all else fails, you can always run through the sprinklers! The first day of summer is the perfect day to get wet and wild.
How will you celebrate the first day of summer?
Welcome to the Thursday Three Link Up. Who doesn’t love sharing lists on their blogs?? Whether it’s 3 reasons you love your husband, 3 things you hate about graduate school, or 3 awesome birthday gift ideas, the Thursday Three Link Up is a place where you can share your posts and interact with other bloggers. Create an amazing post listing three things of your choosing and link up on LiveLifeWell, My Belle Elle, or Royalty in Reality each and every Thursday! This week’s Thursday Three Featured Post is #CookingWithGerber: 3 Easy Ideas PLUS $50 Gift Card Giveaway by the Nspiyahd Life. Be sure to check out their amazing post and enter the link-up for your chance to be featured!

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