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3 Tips for Healthier Snacking On the Go

*This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Weight Watchers, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #WWFoodsAtPublix

Healthy eating is something that I struggle with. When my husband left for France, I told him that one thing I was going to focus on while we’re apart is starting to live a healthier lifestyle. One of my goals is to workout 4 days a week but I know that changes must happen in the kitchen as well if I want to see results. Next week, I’ll start earning the practicum and internship hours necessary to complete my master’s degree in marriage and family counseling. This means that I’ll spend a lot of time out of my house and in a counseling office. It can be difficult to eat healthy when you’re out and about, so I’ve been thinking of ways that I can keep my snack choices in check while I’m working. Here are my tips for healthier snacking on the go:

Find out how @weightwatchers helps me to enjoy healthier snacks when I'm on the go on #WWFoodsAtPublix #Pmedia #ad

3 Tips for Healthier Snacking on the Go

Eat something light every couple of hours so that you don’t get super hungry

The key to healthier snacking is to eat something every few hours so that you don’t get too hungry. When you’re starving, you’re more likely to make a totally unhealthy food choice and eat an entire pizza or box of cookies instead of a salad or fruit. If you eat light snacks throughout the day, when mealtimes do roll around, you’ll be much more likely to make a healthy choice.

Pack your snacks

It’s so important that you take healthy options with you so that you don’t grab the unhealthy things that are sure to tempt you. I went shopping at Publix for some healthier snacks that I can pack in my bag and take with me to my internship. Weight Watchers has some amazing options that are the perfect size to stick in your bag and pull out when you need a quick snack.

Healthier Snacking Options
Healthier Snacks
Healthier Snacking on the Go

Snack on things that meet your cravings

I’ve found that if I don’t snack on things that meet my cravings, I find myself thinking about food constantly. I know I’m not the only one who’s had a craving for something sweet, tried ignore it, then eaten a entire bag of brownie brittle in one sitting. In my experience, it’s best to eat what you want in small quantities than to try to ignore your cravings and end up binge eating something you shouldn’t. The great thing about Weight Watchers is that their snacks allow you to still have what you want. If you’re craving chocolate, their brownie bites are a great option. If you’re like me and love the combination of salty and sweet, their kettle corn is a healthier option that you can take with you and pull out at snack time.

Heathier Snacking Tips

What are you tips for healthier snacking? How do you keep your snacking in check when you’re out and about?


Welcome to the Thursday Three Link Up. Who doesn’t love sharing lists on their blogs?? Whether it’s 3 reasons you love your husband, 3 things you hate about graduate school, or 3 awesome birthday gift ideas, the Thursday Three Link Up is a place where you can share your posts and interact with other bloggers. Create an amazing post listing three things of your choosing and link up on LiveLifeWell, Royalty in Reality, or the Sparkling Southerner each and every Thursday! I’m a huge foodie and this week’s Thursday Three Featured Post is right up my alley! Be sure to check out 3 Reasons to Take a Food Tasting Tour by Pack Your Baguios if you love food as much as I do.


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