When I started blogging last summer, I thought blogger burnout was a myth. While we talk a lot about burnout in my counseling courses and I know it’s a very real thing in a lot of professions, I didn’t think it could happen to me, especially as it relates to my blog. In the last few weeks, I’ve learned that blogger burnout is indeed real. Just because you love what you do doesn’t mean it’s always going to be easy. To be honest, lately, I’ve been feeling drained. I unplugged during my recent trip to the Bahamas, and while that helped, I realized that I needed to make some other changes as well. After some soul searching, I diagnosed myself with blogger burnout. If my symptoms sound anything like things that you have experiences recently, it’s time for you to think about making some changes.

3 Symptoms of Blogger Burnout
It feels like a chore: Have you ever felt “blah” when it comes to writing blog posts and posting on social media? If so, you might be experiencing blogger burnout. Lately for me, even opening Instagram has felt like work. Sitting down to write blog posts felt like a chore and as I glanced at my content calendar, I felt nothing but overwhelmed.
You struggle to come up with ideas for content: This is a big one when it comes to blogger burnout! While I used to have more content ideas than I could fit in my weekly schedule, a few weeks ago, I noticed that I was struggling to come up with fresh ideas. More than that, I was struggling to come up with content that I actually wanted to write about and share.
Things that once excited you don’t anymore: I remember the days when I used to be SO excited to respond to blog comments or get opportunities for sponsored posts. When these things stopped exciting me, I knew that I was dealing with blogger burnout. If you find yourself feeling only content with things that used to warrant a celebration in your eyes, it’s time to accept that you might be burned out and change things up.
Although blogger burnout happens to the best of us, the cure is simple. First, it’s important to remind yourself why you started in the first place. This is sure to help you get back on track and re-ignite your passion. Second, remember that when it comes to your blog, you have the control. If it’s stressing you out and starting to do more harm than good, there’s nothing wrong with taking a step back. I recently decided to go back to blogging 3 days a week instead of 4 and I realize now that, although one extra day doesn’t seem like a big deal, that extra day was contributing to my blogger burnout in a major way. Now that I’ve lessened my load, I feel a lot better. On top of that, I’ve decided to stop checking my Google Analytics so frequently. Obsessing over my page views and how to increase them was, quite frankly, sucking all the fun out of blogging for me. When I started LiveLifeWell, my mission had nothing to do with page views, and although it would be nice to have more readers, especially when it comes to building relationships with brands and having more opportunities to create sponsored content, I realize that those things are just perks and not necessities. The key to dealing with blogger burnout is to do what you can to treat it before it gets out of hand, so if any of these symptoms resonate with you, I urge you to do what I did and reevaluate things sooner rather than later.
Have you experienced blogger burnout? If so, how did you cope?
Welcome to the Thursday Three Link Up. Who doesn’t love sharing lists on their blogs?? Whether it’s 3 reasons you love your husband, 3 things you hate about graduate school, or 3 awesome birthday gift ideas, the Thursday Three Link Up is a place where you can share your posts and interact with other bloggers. Create an amazing post listing three things of your choosing and link up on LiveLifeWell, Royalty in Reality, or the Sparkling Southerner each and every Thursday! This week’s Thursday Three Featured Post is 3 Ways Instagram Can Help You Plan a Trip by MyBelleElle. Be sure to check out her post when planning your next getaway. Enter the link-up to have your post featured!

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