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3 Reasons Everyone Needs At Least One Friend from Childhood

Relationships with other women are something that I really value. From my sorority sisters to my real life sister and mom, I am beyond thankful for the amazing ladies that I have in my life. I have some awesome friends from college and beyond and I’m also blessed to have one extra special BFF that’s been my friend for more than two decades. We’ve remained close through thick and thin, and because of our relationship, I’m a firm believer that everyone needs at least one friend from childhood!

3 Reasons Everyone Needs At Leasts Once Friend from Childhood

I'm a firm believer that everyone needs at least one friend from childhood! Find out why on
  1. She’s someone you can reminisce with:Who doesn’t love a good walk down memory lane?? One thing that I absolutely love about having a friend that I’ve known so long is being able to talk about people from our pasts and things that happened in middle and high school. I think we have to remember where we’re from to recognize how far we’ve come and I thoroughly enjoy having someone to remember those good times (and bad times) with.

  2. She’s someone you can let your guard down around:Decades of friendship makes you comfortable around someone in a way that you can’t be comfortable around someone that you’ve just met. A friend from childhood usually knows all of your secrets and has seen you at your worst. She’s seen you laugh, she’s seen you cry, she’s seen your bad haircuts, she’s probably seen you naked, and she’s witnessed all of your awkward phases. In a world where we always feel like we have to be “on,” it’s SO refreshing to have someone in your life that loves you for you.

  3. She’s someone who has witnessed your growth first hand: I often feel like 16 year old Allison and 26 year old Allison don’t have very much in common. I’ve (thankfully) grown a lot over the last decade and it’s nice to have someone that recognizes that. My college friends missed the hot mess that I was at some points of my teenage years, but my friend from childhood witnessed it and loved me anyway. She has seen me grow up and I her. One of the most beautiful things about having a friend from childhood is being able to point out the ways that she has matured into a better person and have her do the same for you.

Do you have a friend from childhood? If so, how long have you known each other?


Welcome to the Thursday Three Link Up. Who doesn’t love sharing lists on their blogs?? Whether it’s 3 reasons you love your husband, 3 things you hate about graduate school, or 3 awesome birthday gift ideas, the Thursday Three Link Up is a place where you can share your posts and interact with other bloggers. Create an amazing post listing three things of your choosing and link up on LiveLifeWell or Royalty in Reality each and every Thursday! It’s not too late to make some new year’s resolutions! If you’re still trying to get your resolutions for 2017 in order, be sure to check out my last Thursday Three post and Royalty in Reality’s last Thursday Three post for pointers.


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