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3 Reasons Distance From Your Spouse is a Good Thing

After 6 months together in Japan, I left my husband abroad to come back to the United States to do some things I had to do for school. Leaving him was definitely tough. Since we got married almost two years ago, this is the most time we’ve spent away from one another and I knew I would miss him tremendously. At the same time, after being in another country together and having more than enough alone time, I also looked forward to spending some time with friends and family and found myself excited for a little bit of space. Even in marriage, a little space can be a great thing. It gives us a chance to clear our minds, remember why we got married in the first place, and refocus on what’s important. After 23 days apart, my husband and I are reunited and, while I hope we don’t ever have to be away from one another for that long again, some really good things did come out of our time apart and it proved to me that distance from your spouse can be a beautiful thing.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder! Find our why a little distance from your spouse can be a really good thing.

3 Reasons Distance from Your Spouse is a Good Thing

It build a different kind of intimacy

As a married couple, sometimes I feel like we have a very narrow view of what intimacy is. Intimacy doesn’t necessarily have to involve sex or even cuddling, and being apart helped my husband and I to get back to the root of what intimacy really is. When my husband and I first started dating, we would sit on the phone until the wee hours of the night talking about any and everything. While talking in person is great, there’s something about talking on the phone that’s so romantic to me, especially in this day and age when so many people communicate via text message and Snapchat. Distance from your spouse, oddly enough, gives you a chance to reconnect and rebuild a different type of intimacy.

It gives us a chance to miss each other

Distance from your spouse without a doubt gives you a chance to miss each other. The old saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder” has so much truth to it! Spending a little time apart gave my husband and I a chance to remember why we love spending time together. It definitely made us appreciate each other more and reminded us of why we chose to become partners in life.

It gives us something to celebrate

Spending time away from your spouse makes the reunion that much better. For the last week, the countdown to my husband’s homecoming has been SO real! Being apart definitely gave us something to look forward to as we thought of things we wanted to do this summer when we were reunited in our hometown. We made romantic plans for our reunion and it gave us something to celebrate.

Have you ever been separated from your significant other? If so, what did it do to improve your relationship?


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