Mornings can be rough and as I’m preparing to start my internship this fall, I’m realizing that I need to get into a morning routine that involves less staring at social media and more getting things done. A productive morning sets the tone for the whole day. In the perfect world, I would have time to promote a blog post, pick a perfect outfit, get in a quick workout, shower, have a healthy breakfast, and do my hair and make up all before 8:30am. Unfortunately, there’s only so much I’ll be able to get done between the time my alarm goes off and the time I’ll need to be ready to leave home. While I’m all for productive mornings, it can be tough to fit everything in when we’re scrambling to get ready to head out of the house. Making the most out of the precious time you have in the morning means that it’s important to save as much time as possible on all of your tasks. While we can’t make an hour any longer than it is, we can save time by planning ahead and simplifying the things that we can.

*This post is sponsored by Spa Week Daily, but all opinions are mine and mine alone. Please see my disclosure statement for more information.
3 Easy Ways to Save Time in the Mornings
Plan your outfits
I’m a serious outfit planner! My friends and family often laugh at the fact that you can ask me what I’m wearing to an event that’s a week away and I’ll be able to describe the entire outfit down to the accessories and lipstick color. Planning your outfits ahead of time frees up time that you can spend working on other things each morning. I like to dedicate Sunday afternoons to picking out and trying on my outfits for the entire week. I hang them in order in a certain section of my closet so that they’re ready to go each day. I’ve created the Dress Well Outfit Planner to help you prepare and organize your outfits each week! Subscribe to LiveLifeWell to have it delivered straight to your inbox.
Make your breakfast ahead of time
I’m not always the best at making sure to get in a healthy breakfast, but during my last round of the 21 Day Fix, I learned that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. On the days I eat breakfast, I have so much more energy and just feel better all around. So many people (myself included) are so quick to skip breakfast to make more time in the mornings for other things, but going without such a crucial meal shouldn’t be an option. There are tons of great breakfast dishes that you can make ahead and heat up each morning. This is a great way to ensure that you still eat the most important meal of the day without having to dedicate time to actually preparing it. One of my favorite make ahead breakfast dishes is Skinnytaste’s Baked Oatmeal. Overnight oats are another great option!
Shorten your beauty regimen
Contrarily to popular belief, it is possible to shorten the amount of time you spend in the mirror. Condensing your daily beauty regimen is sure to save you time in the mornings. Every week this month, Spa Week Daily has been spotlighting amazing time-saving beauty products. From products that whiten your teeth in a hurry to a 60 second wrinkle reducer, there are a variety of amazing products that you can count on to save you more than a few minutes and shorten your beauty regimen tremendously. Spa Week Daily is hosting a Time-Saving Beauty Giveaway to give one lucky winner the chance to win all of the awesome products I mentioned and more. Details on how you can enter are below. Follow SpaWeek on Instagram and head on over to their blog today. Be sure to enter for your chance to win $600 worth of beauty products that are sure to help you save time in the mornings and make time for your other tasks.

How do you save time in the mornings?