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26 Goals for 26: Updates!

In August, I turned 26 on the 26th, and in honor of the occasion, I decided that it would only be fitting to set 26 goals for myself. I think it’s really important to check in on your progress and revise your  goals if necessary, because overtime, things change. It’s been 6 months since I initially decided on my 26 goals for 26 and I’m excited to share my updates with all of you!

Updates on the 26 goals I set for myself on my 26th birthday

26 Goals for 26


1) Read 5 books: I’m happy to share that I’m going to surpass this goal for sure! Almost 6 months into 26, I’ve read 4 books. I’m OBSESSED with Liane Moriarty and have read Big Little Lies, What Alice Forgot, The Husband’s Secret, and Truly Madly Guilty.  Any suggestions for other authors that should  be on my radar??

2) Workout at least 4 days each week: I’m not going to lie – I’ve been on and off with this one! Some weeks I work our 4-5 days and other weeks, it’s more like 2-3. I still love spin classes but I’ve come to love barre classes even more, so I’ve been going to a lot of those. My goal is to workout at least 4 days a week this month so it becomes a habit.

3) Try a new recipe once per week: I haven’t been successful in breaking out of my food rut yet. I’ve been trying more like one new recipe per month and really need to step this up.

4) Make time for self-care and focus on being present in the moment: I shared recently about my personal struggle with anxiety. Self-care and mindfulness have really helped me to cope. This is still a work in progress, but I have definitely been doing better at making time for me.

5) Remove one item from my closet for each new item that I bring in: I’ve been doing this religiously and it’s made such a difference! My closet hasn’t gotten too out of control and I’ve been thinking hard about what I’ll get rid of before I bring in anything new.

6) Drink a half gallon of water every day: This one has been a struggle! I’ve been drinking more water, but definitely not enough. This is something I really need to work on going forward.


7) Reach 10,000 monthly page views: If I’m honest, I’m kind of over this goal! I found that obsessing about my blog’s numbers were driving me INSANE! Now I’m just blogging because I enjoy it and I rarely check to see how many page views I’m getting.

8) Increase followers on Instagram from 5327 to 8000+: My Instagram following has grown from 5327 to 6059 in the last 6 months and I’m happy with that. I’ve also launched 2 new Instagram accounts for two of my other brands, so I’ve been focussing attention on growing those as well.

9) Attend one blog-related conference: This is still on my to-do list! If you know of any good ones, drop them in the comments.

10) Launch the More than a Wifey website: I’ve really been slacking on More than a Wifey since I’ve been giving so much attention to my new podcast. This is still definitely on my to-do list!

11) Host 3 blog-related events: I would still like to host a few events this year! Maybe not all for LiveLifeWell – but definitely 1 for each of my brands. Stay tuned for updates!

12) Add more products to This is another goal that isn’t so much of a goal anymore! I actually decided to close just because my heart wasn’t in it! This year, I’m only doing things that I’m passionate about that selling apparel surprisingly wasn’t one of them.

13) Attend 4 blogger meet-ups or networking events: If I’m honest, I haven’t attended one networking event in the last few months. I’ve been SO busy, but this is still a priority for me.


14) Only shop for non-essentials (i.e. clothes, shoes, etc.) once per month: Honestly, I haven’t had much time to shop and I’m OK with that. I’ve only been shopping for non-essentials every once in a while and I feel a lot less cluttered. It’s helping my bank account too.

15) Start saving for our dream home: Our savings account isn’t looking too shabby (probably thanks to the fact that I haven’t been shopping as much as usual). Hopefully I can keep this up!


16) Visit 3 countries I’ve never been to before: One down, two to go! I went to Morocco for the first time in December and I had a blast. Visiting 2 more countries is still one of my 26 goals for 26.

17) Go to the mountains: I had a ski trip planned for earlier this month, but unfortunately, it fell through. This is still something I would like to do. Maybe a summer cabin trip!


18) Go on a solo-trip with my husband: My husband and I have already started planning our solo-trip and have our destination selected. Now, we just have to determine his summer schedule so we can solidify our dates.

19) Take an ethnic cooking class together: This is definitely something I want to do this summer when my husband gets home.

20) Have a couples book club: We’ve narrowed our books down and are so excited to start this soon! This is for sure still one of my 26 goals.


21) Raise at least $5000 for the JetJones Foundation: My husband and I launched our foundation last summer and there are a lot of initiatives we want to put in place. We are unfortunately no where near our fundraising goal but I’m hoping that changes soon! Our fundraising committee will be meeting this week to brainstorm.

22) Host the 2nd Annual JetJones Foundation Party of a Purpose: This event is set for August 3rd! Stay tuned for details.

23) Collect at least 600 pounds of school supplies to donate: Last summer we collected 405 pounds and I’m sure we can collect more this year! We are expanding our school supply drive and I’m confident that we’ll be able to reach this goal.

24) Finish my practicum and internship hours: I’m so happy to share that I finished my practicum hours! Now all I have to do is finish my internship hours and I’m on track to finish them in August. This is one of my 26 goals for 26 that I’m sure I’ll accomplish.

25) Attend at least one counseling-related workshop: I had an opportunity to attend a tele-mental health workshop and it was incredible. I’m hoping that I get to attend more of these even though I’ve already reached this goal.

26) Graduate from grad school: This has been a LONG time coming! All I have left is my internship hours, and once I complete those in August, I’ll officially be finished with my master’s degree.

What are some of your goals?

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