The Kintsugi Kid introduces young readers to Pearl, a beautiful ballerina whose habit of twirling ends in a crash that leaves her feeling broken and discouraged. Pearl wonders if the brokenness can ever be repaired and is introduced to the Japanese practice of kintsugi.
Through Pearl’s journey of re-discovery, Allison strives to teach children important lessons about strength, resilience, confidence, and, ultimately, self-love, that will shape the way they face their own trials and tribulations for years to come.
meet the author
Allison Mathis Jones is the author of The Kintsugi Kid and is also a “kintsugi kid” herself.
Health and wellness are important to the University of Miami graduate who has a background in mental health and a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. After recovering from a brain tumor removal, Allison became intrigued by the parallel of the Japanese art-form kintsugi and its process of repairing broken objects with gold lacquer.
She feels deeply that this art-form relates to her own unintentional brokenness and healing experience. Allison holds the belief that all people have little gold filled cracks with shimmering traces that tell unique stories of resilience and renewal.
My interpretation of kintsugi is that items are made more beautiful because of their cracks, not in spite of them, and I feel that this is something that can be applied to people as well. Like broken pottery put back together with gold, we are made whole again in spite of our trials and tribulations and are more beautiful and unique having been broken.
This is especially true for children who are often shaped by their childhood experiences. I think it’s important that we teach them from a young age to honor and celebrate the things that make them unique.
The Kintsugi Kid has been used by mental health experts and schools to help children heal.
Use The Kintsugi Kid in your practice or classroom today!
Allison is happy to send a complimentary copy of her book and visit your school for live author readings, age-appropriate mental health workshops, and kintsugi craft workshops. Email us today for more information: